Crown Preparation Burs

Upgrade your Crown Prep Game!
CPSET1 - Starter Crown Prep Bur Kit
The prepartion kit was designed by Prof. Ariel Ben-Amar – chief of the prosthodontics department, Tel-Aviv university dental school to address the challenge of crown and bridge preparation. The kit is made in Israel and contains 11 high-quality dental burs for crown preparation, made for high efficiency and durability.
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Upgrade your Crown Prep Game!
CPSET1 - Starter Crown Prep Bur Kit
The prepartion kit was designed by Prof. Ariel Ben-Amar – chief of the prosthodontics department, Tel-Aviv university dental school to address the challenge of crown and bridge preparation. The kit is made in Israel and contains 11 high-quality dental burs for crown preparation, made for high efficiency and durability.
Chamfer Crown Prep
Finishing burs for crown preparation
- Lingual & Palatial Reduction
- Oclusal Reudction
CPSET2 - Comprehensive Chamfer Crown Prep Kit
This crown prep bur block was designed by prosthodontics department of Tel Aviv university dental school to address the challenge of crown and bridge preparation. It contains 12 FG burs and 1 autoclavable bur block. It is made for high durability and efficiency.
- Separation & Interproximal
Chamfer Preparation & Finishing Line
- Occlusal Reduction
- Narrow Shoulder Finish Line
Lingual & Palatinal Preparation
CPSET3 - Step by step technique for crown and overlays preps
Designed by Prof. Nitzan Bichacho and Dr. Mirela Feraru, this kit provides a precise and proven step by step technique for crown and overlays preparations. The kit contains 20 diamond burs for crown preparation and also:
- Interproximal Reduction
Chamfer Preps
- Occlusal Reduction
- Palatinal Preps
- Onlays & Overlays Preps
- Final Polishing
See the full bur profile below:
KIS-SET1 - PFM crown preparation burs
This bur set was designed by Dr. Michael Perez-Davidi, Chief of the prosthodontic department in Hadassah University Dental School, to address the demands for tooth preparation in Porcelain fused to metal crowns. These burs were proven to be clinically efficient and user-friendly in countless of crowns and bridges. It contains 10 prep burs for:
- Separation & IPR
- Lingual & Palatinal Prep
- Occlusal Prep
Chamfer Reduction, Polishing & Finishing
See the full bur profile below:
INONKIT1 - Inlay Onlay burs restoration kit
Designed by Dr. Yuval Wind of Hadassah school of dental medicine, Department of Prosthotondics, This Inlay Onlay restoration kit enables a micro invasive approach, which allows the avoidance of root canal treatment, structure and crown. The kit contains all the necessary burs for a wise and intelligent preparation and the final ceramic adjustments.
- Depth markers
- Metal Cutters for removal of old restorations
- Divergent Walls Prep
- Wheel burs for Cusp Cutting
- RA burs for Caries Removal
- Bite Adjustments
See the full bur profile below:
40211ACSET - All Ceramic Crown Preparation Kit (Zirconia & Alumina)
The set provides the dentist with a precise and proven step by step technique for getting a perfect esthetic restoration. Suitable for zirconia and alumina all ceramic restorations. The gold burs are highly durable, work in lower temperature and keep the vitality of the teeth while producing less vibrations and leave a very smooth surface. The kit contains 9 gold burs and 1 alpine stone finisher:
- Occlusal Reduction
- Proximal Reduction
- Buccal, Lingual & Palatal Reduction
- Alpine stone for finishing
See the full bur profile below:

ACSET1 - Gold Burs for All Ceramic Crown Preparation
Designed by Prof. Ariel Ben-Amar, Prosthodontics department, Tel-Aviv University Dental School, This kit addresses all challenges in all-ceramic crown preparation. It is made for a quick, and reliable anterior and posterior preparation.
- Bulk reduction
- Interproximal separation
- Chamfer polishing & finishing
- Occlusal reduction
- Narrow shoulder finish line
See the full bur profile below:
CRCUT1 - Crown Removal Kit for Zirconia, EMAX & Porcelain
Streamline your crown removal procedures with 6 Crown Removal Burs. Each bur was carefully crafted and selected to ensure rapid and effective removal of crowns and bridges.
See the full bur profile below:
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