carbide football bur

carbide football bur - trimming & finishing
Carbide football bur is one of the most popular carbides in the world. It is used by professional dentists for trimming & finishing.
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carbide football bur - trimming & finishing
Carbide football bur is one of the most popular carbides in the world. It is used by professional dentists for trimming & finishing.
Football finishing bur - Eagle dental
Football finishing bur by Eagle dental is made for high speed uses (friction grip).
They are made in Israel of a single solid piece of tungsten carbide material for maximum durability and efficiency.
The American football bur is available in two types: 12 flutes and 30 flutes for different uses. The blades configuration provide an additional control and superior finish.
Each pack contains 5 carbide football shaped burs in your desired size.
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